Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Russian Rose

Thai Rose
This month Tanna of Kitchen in Half Cups is the lovely host of the Bread Baking Babes. She found a beautiful shaped rose for us to bake. I don’t have a lot of experience braiding dough. I’ve braided a Challah with ginger syrup, which was interesting and I need to do it more before it’s in my fingers. But, shaping the Estonian Kringel with Coconut changed this. It’s so easy and the outcome is nice, not like a braided Challah, but it looks beautiful when you serve it.

There are over 100 species of roses. Their size and shape vary and most have colors that range from white through yellow and red. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Roses are used in many different ways; for their appearance, smell, taste and even as medicine.

There are approximately 15.000 different species of plants in Thailand and the largest group is orchids. There are 1.157 species found in all types of habitats. Even though there are many beautiful native orchids in our garden we still love the sight of a rose.

My “rose” has thicker petals, because: 1. I should have rolled out the dough as thin as strudel, but I didn’t. 2. The dough should be stronger than my tacky dough to keep its shape. 3. Better to under proof it than fully proofed in this temperature (30°C).
Always good for next time, because there will be a next time for sure. This Russian Rose is a big hit!

Name                               Russian Rose
Found at      
                    Tanna of Kitchen in Half Cups
Addapted from                  Guro on The Fresh Loaf
Yields                               1 big loaf
Mixing                              4 minutes
Fermentation                    40 – 60 minutes
Shape                              Rose
Proof at roomtemp.          30 minutes
Bake 230°C                       45 minutes

This is what I used:
Bakers formula                  %        grams
Flour                                100     600
Water                               75      450
Salt                                  1.6     10

Final Dough                     Tsp     grams
All Purpose Flour                          600    
Water                                         450
Salt                                            10
Flax seed (grind)               1.5
Wheat Germ                     1.5
Dried Yeast                                7
Sugar                                         10 (I omitted this)
Oil, olive                                    50

Onion and garlic roasted with white wine vinegar
Salt and Pepper
Rosemary, dried


This is what I did:
The dough: I added all of the ingredients in the mixing bowl of a spiral mixer and mixed until all was well combined. I mixed on second speed for 2 minutes. The dough should be supple and tacky.

Bulk Fermentation:
 transfer the dough to a slightly oiled container, cover and leave for 60 minutes.

Shaping: Place the dough on a lightly floured work area. Flatten the dough gently with your hands and use a floured rolling pin to make it a thin as you can. Tanna said: “thin like Strudel”. Mine wasn’t. Smear the filling out and roll the dough into a log. Have a look at the photos on the Estonian Kringel with Coconut I made before. Cut the log in half length. Twist the two halves together, keeping the open layers up. Give a round shape and transfer to parchment paper on peel. Carefully pick up the braid and place on parchment and I covered it with an open spring form. I covered it with a plastic bag.

Pre heating: I pre heated the oven to 230°C.

Proofing: I proofed the loaf for 30 minutes.

Baking: I placed the loaf with the parchment and spring form on the baking stone.
I baked the loaf for 45 minutes. Because the temperature in my oven is very difficult to adjust I left it on 230°C. Tanna said: “bake it for 5-10 minutes on 210°C and turn the temperature to 180°C for another 20-30 minutes”.

Cooling: Let the loaves cool completely on a wire rack. Enjoy!

I send this to Susan’s YeastSpotting, to Bake Your Own Bread and to BBB Tanna’s Kitchen in Half Cups

What did you bake this month? Don’t forget to show it.


  1. So I love your new rose species with thicker petals! What a great way to describe it! And it is lovely.
    Great fun to discover how the complicated look is not so complicated after all.
    So happy to have you baking with us agin.

    1. Thank you Tanna, I loved your choice for this month and soon this rose is back on our table. Can't wait to see what the Babes come up with for next month.

  2. I was having connection problems and only the first image loaded. I'm so gullible that, for a moment, I thought the Thai rose was your bread! And I was going to protest at your claim that the petals were too thick.

    But then reason prevailed. I reloaded and saw the actual bread. It is just as beautiful as the actual rose. Who cares that the petals are thicker? It looks wonderful.

    (I was SURE that I commented on this before! Or is it my imagination that I have previously marvelled at the lovely red colour your onions turned?)

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I wish I could make petals like the real thing. But we're happy with the real bread. Maybe my onions and the rest is a bit orange because of the flash?

  3. This bread sounded pretty tempting and it's beautiful.
    Hope you're having a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Kristy, thanks for your visit, hope to see you often. Just go for this bread, it's fun and delicious!

  4. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful savory bread! And the comparison to a rose is perfect ... pulling the braid together into a circle make it resemble a floral petal design!

    Thank you Connie for visiting me! I look forward to getting to know you as I explore your bread posts more!
