Katha of Katha Kocht is the host for Bread Baking Day#55. She came up with the lovely theme: Colored bread.
Living in Thailand we see a lot of food with colors. Thai people use natural colors from Thai herbs for rice and sweets. There are many herbs to choose from and I used these:
Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa).
The juice is prescribed for gallstones, kidney stones and urinary tract
infections. Also to treat indigestion flatulence, peptic ulcer, fever, cough, hypertension,
kidney cramps and back pain. It’s high in calcium and lowers blood cholesterol.
Butterfly pea (Clitorea ternatea). The seed is used to treat
constipation and to soothe stomach pains and cramps. The herb is aalso a hair
tonic, used to treat baldness and falling hair.
Tumeric (Curcuma longa). The rhizome
is used as a digestive stimulant and for gastrointestinal complaints. It is
said to lower blood sugar and a remedy for cough, arthritis, chronic back pain
and painful or blocked menstruation.
Beside the health benefits we love the taste of these herbs. We love to drink hot and cold Rosella juice and turmeric is often in our food along with garlic, chili, Thai basil and of course Gotu Kola.