Sunday, June 5, 2011

This month Bread Baking Day celebrates its 4th anniversary!

Four years ago Zorra of Kochtopf came up with the great idea to start Bread Baking Day. As an addition to the World Bread Day she started a new international monthly foodblog-event. And what a success it is.

Every month amateur bread bakers, of all skill levels, from all over the world send their bread to Zorra and the host of that month.
Last month Zorra was the host of BBD #40; bread with curd. Please go and have a look at this roundup. Our fellow bakers made delicious looking breads. You want to try them by yourself. 

This special month I am the lucky host. The theme of the first BBD was; Bread with herbs. And today; 4 years later, I would like to invite you, bakers from all over the world, to honor this great initiative and all bake: Bread with local herbs and/or spices

Every country has its own local herbs and spices

I had a look at this website on herbs  and found out in Canada and America for example you find: lemon verbena, Mexican tarragon and pink pepper;
Australia has: Tasmanian pepper and lemon myrtle;
Europe has: blue fenugreek, caraway and mugwort;
South East Asia has: lemongrass, kaffir lime leaf and chili
And ....
Of ourse many more to experiment with. You know best what’s around in your neighborhood.
I don’t know if it’s possible to use these herbs and spices in bread, but probably you do and we all like to learn about it. I hope you all will experiment with different herbs and/or spices.

You can use sourdough or yeast, make it sweet or not, use fruits and nuts, as long as there are local herbs and/or spices in your bread.

And when you can not find local herbs, just bake what ever bread you like with the herbs and/or spices you can find.

Are you ready to bake! If you like you can place the logo of this BBD on you blog.

At Zorra’s blog you find:
  • The code for the logo to place on your blog to promote the event;
  • All roundups of the 40 previous Bread Baking Days;
  • If you have no idea what to do with local herbs and/or spices, have a look at the roundup of the first BBD for inspiration. 

When you have baked your deliciously smelling bread, before July 1, 2011:
  • Post it on your blog and link back to this page (please use English or add a translator button)
  • Send me an email in English: with the following information:
  • BBD#41 in the subject line
  • Your name
  • Name of your blog
  • The permalink where you post your bread
  • City and country
  • Photo of your bread (300x300 pixel)
  • The deadline is July 1, 2011
  • Round up will be on this page at the latest on July 5, 2011 (come and see)
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate and send me an e-mail. I hope to see many wonderful smelling breads at the round up, you too?
Enjoy! Connie


  1. does nettle also count as herb?

  2. Yes, for me it's a herb. I would love to have some in our garden, makes great tea. But, we can't find it in Thailand, yet. I'm looking forward on seeing your bread.

  3. luckily nettles are growing here like crazy. I just need to take care when I pick them.
    Last week I had nettle soup and sorbet. Both was extremly good.

  4. Great blog post thanks for sharing.
